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Kamden's FIRST time at The First Tee

We had a fun filled day with Kamden at Tanglewood Park for his FIRST day in The First Tee program! Kamden started golfing with his Dad three years ago and has loved it since his first time out on the driving range. When we were living in Florida, it definitely had its advantages because Keith would take him at least twice a month year round since he was 4 years old. Just like any boy, some days he would be so serious and focused and others he would be running a muck. If he was really well behaved, Keith would let him run through the sprinklers afterward, which he loved more than anything. We approached it like it was more important for him to have fun with it first so that he would grow to like it, then later on start teaching him the rules and skills to play. When he was 5, we started letting him do a week long golf camp over the summer at the Davie Golf and Country Club near where we lived at the time. He was the youngest one there, but he really enjoyed it and made a lot of friends

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